What is Ki(Qi) Energy?
There are three basic energies existed in
this world, physical, life, and spiritual. The physical energies are
light, sound, heat, gravity, and others which we can feel and
experience easily in our daily lives. The life energy is the energy
which plants and animals both have in order to sustain their lives.
The plant receives light from the sun, take carbon dioxide, receive
nutrients from soil and utilize all to do photo synthesis, and the
end results is producing organic foods. Animals eat such organic
foods as well as eating animals which eat organic foods. And, the
spiritual energy is the high level of energy which plants and other
animals do not have, but it is given only to human beings by God.
All animals behavior is
based totally on their instinct. Besides instinct, human beings have
additional abilities such as thinking, emotion, soul, and mind. All
of these abilities are part of “Spiritual Energy”. Maintaining three
energies in balance are important to sustain our health and fitness,
and how high can we bring up the level of spiritual energy
determines how quickly we can recover from injuries and illness.
Except direct physical
force to our body to make us injured, the level of spiritual energy,
which can be called Ki(Chi)-Energy, is the key factor to prevent
illness and sustain health. Thus, lowering the level of
Ki(Chi)-Energy has the direct impact on the lowering our immune
system. The result is to increase susceptibility to illness and/or
to injuries. Therefore, the occurrence of illness and/or injuries
has a direct relationship with the level of Ki(Chi)-Energy in our
body. This is why we say that the sickness comes from your lowered
spirit (Ki, Chi or Qi). Once the balance of one or more of three
energies is broken, we are either get injured or sick.
The spiritual energy can
be broken down to two categories, conscious and subconscious
conditions. In the lifted state of spiritual energy in the conscious
conditions, you can feel “ I feel like having high energy, high
motivation, high persevere level”. “I do not know why but I have a
lot of energy”. We all have these feelings once in a while under the
conscious conditions. Conversely, in the decreased state of
spiritual energy in the conscious condition, we can also feel “weak
energy, loss of motivation, lower tolerance level” etc.
It tends to be thought
that these conscious conditions occupy most of our daily conducts
and phenomenon. However, it is not true. Within the spiritual
energy, the percentage of conscious condition is believed to be only
10 to 15 % of total. And the remaining 85 to 90% belongs to
senseless, unrealized conditions called subconscious condition. Due
to unspecified yet true existence, Ki(Chi)-Energy belongs to within
the subconscious ness level of spiritual energy.
There are countless
conscious activities we do daily including study and work. And the
science and medicine is existed as a part of its extension. The
science and medicine have progressed dramatically in the 20th
century and contributed greatly in today’s society. As a result, we
become so much relying on science and medicine. And we only accept
things and phenomenon if it is scientifically and/or medically
proven even though there are many unproven things and phenomenon
occurred in this world.
The world of
Ki(Chi)-Energy does not belong to the narrow world of science and
medicine which is only 15% of total phenomenon. It belongs to the
rest of the world which is 85% of the total phenomenon. Therefore,
things impossible to understand scientifically and/or medically in
the narrow 15 % world can become quite possible in the rest of 85%
world that belongs to Spiritual, Ki(Chi)-Energy world.
We, humans, have some
Ki(Chi)-Energy within ourselves. But it is difficult and often
dangerous to use it since the amount of Ki(Chi)-Energy we have is
small and limited. If you have some experiences in the field of
Chinese Ki(Chi)-Energy treatment called Chi-Gong or Qi-Gong. you may
have seen that Chi-Gong masters get very tired after the healing
session. This is because he/she utilize his/her own energy to heal a
patient. The result is shortening of his/her own life. Most Chinese
Chii-Gong masters die in younger age. Our own Ki(Chi)-Energy is
limited, however, there are unlimited Ki(Chi)-Energy existed in this
universe, and if we use it efficiently and effectively, we may be
able to concur any type of illness and injuries.
When the balance of energy
is broken by some reason and become ill or injured, Master Shin
withdraws Ki(Chi)-Energy not from his body but from the universe and
apply it to the problem areas for healing.
In recent years, because
of too many unsolved uncured sickness and diseases in the field of
Western medicine have been found, many conscious medical doctors
have started to pay attention to out side of their own field. Those
fields are called as alternative medicine, complementary medicine,
or integrative medicine. Within these fields, acupuncture, massage
therapy, herb therapy are now included. The acupuncture was not
accepted in USA until 10-15 years ago because it was not
scientifically and medically proven its effectiveness. However,
though it is still not proven, it is widely accepted and utilized in
USA because its effectiveness.
Unfortunately, Master
Shin’s Ki(Chi)-Energy Healing Therapy is not yet recognized widely
nor proven its effectiveness scientifically and medically. However,
this will be recognized and accepted as the best alternative to
Western Medicine in near future not only in USA, but also in the
world because this is the most amazingly safe and effective therapy
method to heal one’s problems.